This weekend was Sami's 2nd birthday. I had selected her birthday theme this summer. I don't know about you, but when I'm up at all hours of the night with my baby girl and she's basically asleep until I put her in her crib... I browse Pinterest to stay awake.
I came across this pin and I knew Sami's 2nd birthday would be a tea party. Birthdays in the winter months tend to restrict the type of party you can have. It's either snowy and you can't do much outside or it's too cold, or just looks drab. Who wants to have an outdoor party in Colorado in the middle of December? Not this mama.
It turned out great, I'll be sure to post more about what I did in case there's interest, but there's a few pictures below to peak your interest.
So craziest time of the year? Starting in mid-November, it's crazy time in my family. My husband celebrates his birthday in mid-November, followed by my brother's birthday 2 days later. Now, we can't celebrate with my brother since he's in Canada, but we still call him and try to send him something (I do have something for him - just haven't sent it yet...).
A few days later it's Preston's birthday. Now we don't throw a party, but we do a lot for #SpreadHappinessForPreston and it takes a lot of preparation, and it's also a mentally challenging day. For more information on this event you can visit my other blog: Spread Happiness For Preston.
Less than a week later it's my birthday, which often coincides with American Thanksgiving weekend, and three days later it's my father in-law's birthday.
Exhausted yet? Don't be, we're far from finished. We get a little reprieve, but 2 weeks later it's my mom's birthday, followed by Sami's birthday 2 days later, followed by Christmas a week later, followed by my dad's birthday on New Year's Eve, and followed by my mother in law's birthday the day after New Year's.
We hosted Thanksgiving this year and it was a little chaotic... we cooked all day, the house was warm and the kids (Sami and her cousin) weren't having their best day - no naps didn't help.
Once that was over, I really started mapping out Sami's birthday all the while Christmas shopping and shopping for her birthday gifts.
We're also hosting Christmas which I'm super excited about. I love hosting. I still have to wrap all the presents I bought and figure out what I'm going to cook. My sister in law is taking care of appetizers, and my mother in law is making a roast beef and a ham... I've just got to figure out the sides and dessert.. Mashed potatoes are a must, as is my meat pie (have I talked about my meat pie? I'll have to do that and type up the recipe). Possibly sweet potato parmesan fries so that Sami will eat something since she oddly won't eat mashed potatoes lately.
I've rambled on more than I intended. I meant to just let you know it's been crazy.. I didn't go through and clean up a drawer like I wanted to this weekend. Our visit with Santa didn't go as I'd envisioned (Sami was scared of Santa).
I constantly feel like I have a million and one projects on my mind. Anyone else?
- Finishing the Minnie/Mickey Mouse puzzle I started so that I can glue it and hang it in Sami's room like we did with a baseball/Cubbies puzzle for Preston's room (which is now Sami's room and has stayed a feature of her room).
- Scrapbook Sami's artwork from daycare.
- Make picture albums with pictures I've had printed out (and print out more).
- Go through all the boxes in the basement and purge before we start remodeling in the Spring.
- Organize the office because it needs it.
- Go through all my drawers and get rid of what I don't wear.
- Ditto with the closet and organize it.
- Find a way to organize the pantry so that it's not a disaster area every 2 weeks.
- Sami's party.
- Yes I still give my daughter 1 bottle a day.
- She does watch TV and I think to some extent it's helped her vocabulary.
- I need to become better about tending to my garden (and flower beds).
- Mom Guilt
I invite you to email me ( or comment below if there are any topics you would like I discuss. My intention with this blog is to make you feel like you aren't alone in your struggles as a working mom. My intention is not to tell you how to go about your life, or how to raise your child. I will share what I do, and what works for me, and what doesn't work for me. Perhaps you'll find that what works for me, works for you too. Or maybe something that didn't work for me, you'll show me that I can make it work.
In the event I don't post again until Christmas, I wish you a wonderful Christmas and happy times with your family. If you don't celebrate Christmas, I wish you happy holidays and hope that you enjoy lots of family time and hope that you build memories that last.
Best wishes,
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