Friday, March 9, 2018

Balancing Work & Home: Finding "Me" Time

Me time.  Is that something that once existed?  I could do whatever I pleased.  Whenever I wanted.

Weekends are now filled with toddler centered activities.  Don't get me wrong, I wanted to have children and  I'm happy that most of my time at home is consumed with Sami.  However everyone needs a little time to themselves.

To relax a little.  
To think.  
To plan.
To re-energize.  

When Sami was a newborn and an infant, I would stay up until her 10-11pm feeding.  I also had that new mom adrenaline working for me.  And the fact that my husband would take the early feeding, allowed me some time to rest.  I recharged on the weekend by sleeping in a little.  If I could, I squeezed in a nap.

When she started mostly sleeping through the night, I started going to bed earlier and lost all those evenings/late night hours to myself.  I miss feeling like I could stay up late.  I used to be able to function well past 10pm.  I used to spend so many hours blogging or gaming past midnight.  And now?  I can still function past 10pm but I know the sleep is important... Oh the sacrifices we make to stay healthy!

I've slowly been able to integrate more and more me time into my life.  You ask, where do I now find me time now that I don't have the late evening/night energy of a 20 year old?

As you know, I find some during my lunch break at work.  I use it to meal plan, to plan activities and of course to blog!

I find some on the weekend if I wake up before 9:00.  If I can't fall back asleep, I'll use some of that time to catch up on General Hospital.  I've been watching it since my tween years sometimes on and off.  With the magic of TiVo and digital recordings, it's now mostly on.

By meal planning and by doing meal prep on the weekend, it's opened up some time on weeknight evenings.  This is still pretty new so it's mostly opened up time for my husband and I to watch a TV show we both like or for his favorite activity - laying on my lap as I rub his head and he doses off (even if it's barely past 8pm).  Perhaps I can use this newfound time to start working on scrapbooking Sami's art and pictures like I've been wanting to do and started over a year ago but haven't touched since.

If possible, I use Sami's naptime on the weekend to do something I like.  Sunday's naptime is usually reserved for meal prep as I catch up on General Hospital.  Saturday's naptime... I usually use it to finalize my grocery shopping list, and actually kick up my feet while eating lunch and catching up on some TV.  Yes, I like TV... and believe it or not - I watch a lot less than I used to.  I've evolved...

Every now and then - I take a day off work and Sami still goes to daycare.  Those are the days where I can do something for me, and do something around the house that feels productive.  I think the last time I did this, I went shopping and then I cleaned up paperwork in the home office.

Speaking of which... I need to schedule one of those soon.  I'm overdue.  I think a massage is in order.  And I need to get my hair done :)

Where do you find your me time and how do you maximize it?

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