We went to swim lessons but our usual instructor was out. The replacement instructor did most of the things we usually do, although a bit varied. It was a little more casual, but Sami still managed to do all her usual drills.
Sunday I went for a massage. My neck has been bothering me for the past month to the point that sometimes it's hard to change lanes on the highway. I figured that meant I needed help. The massage was good. Not relaxing, not that this is why I went. Having a desk job will do a number on your back. I enjoyed the massage because I feel much better now, but yeah - not relaxing ;)
That afternoon my husband and I joined some friends at a bar in Denver for a fantasy baseball draft. My husband has been the commissioner of fantasy baseball and football drafts for many years. I played fantasy baseball for maybe 5-6 years but haven't played in a couple years. My husband stopped being the commissioner for baseball and the league switched to head-to-head which I don't enjoy (versus a points league). However, whenever my husband has been commissioner, we've hosted the draft at our house and I handled updating the draft board online as the draft went along. Our friend asked if I could do the same this year even though we weren't hosting and I wasn't participating.
We had a nice time and everyone seems to have pretty decent teams. Good luck honey! Brizzo FTW!
That being said, I didn't get around to doing meal prep on Sunday because I had too much going on. That made me realize that I need to do groceries earlier on Saturday and not wait until after Sami's nap. My goal is to go right after swim lessons.
On Monday night I meal prepped after Sami went to bed. It made for a bit of a late evening, but whatcha gonna do?
Tuesday night, I prepared Sami's Easter basket, filled the eggs for her little Easter Egg hunt in the house and prepared some Easter treat bags and buckets for her classmates and teachers.
Wednesday I had to work late and it felt like an extremely long day because Sami was being difficult at bedtime and didn't want to fall asleep. I eventually put her down and I think she stayed awake for another hour. In retrospect, her throat was probably bothering her because she ended up being sick over Easter weekend.
Friday, Sami had her "spring break". A one day daycare break. I took her to the zoo - lesson learned: on one of the first nice days of Spring, be there before they open so you can find a parking spot. It took me 45 minutes to find a spot (and it's a good 40 minute drive to the zoo in the first place). Sami had fun though. She loved the lions, and the tiger. She liked the bears - brown and polar. She also was excited about the elephants and giraffes. Everything else didn't seem to phase her too much. We'll go again this Spring and Summer. I ended up getting a membership at the zoo for the year. It'll be a good activity for nice days and for getting her out of the house without having to spend too much money.
I've been meaning to write about Potty Training since we started with Sami a couple months ago. We tried a little bit when she moved up classrooms but she wasn't really into it. I started trying to motivate her using stickers and it worked pretty well. We started putting a sticker on the calendar whenever she would go potty before her bath. Some would call it bribing... I call it motivating.
It worked well enough, and they started doing a similar sticker chart at daycare for her. I also created a potty chart which I stuck to a cabinet in the bathroom with columns for asking to go, sitting on the potty and going potty. She really liked it at first but is starting to not be so enchanted by the idea. She knows how to pee the potty but she doesn't always want to. She doesn't often want to.
She graduated to Pull-Ups a couple weeks ago. The Pull-Ups come with either a Minnie Mouse design or a Doc McStuffins design. Sami refused to wear the Doc McStuffins ones for me... What did I do? I had her watch Doc McStuffins and now she even sometimes requests to wear the Doc McStuffins Pull-Ups. #MomOutsmartsToddler #MomWin
Recently though, she wants to choose which Pull-Up to wear and 90% of the time she picks Minnie - big surprise! :)
So, potty training is coming along, but not as quickly as I would have hoped. I know I should probably try the intense 3 day potty training method... maybe one of these days.
My journey through motherhood as a working mom. Share in my failures and successes.
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