Friday, May 4, 2018

My5am-9pm: April 21-27 and the best/worse words


Went to swim lessons with Sami – nothing new there.  Saturday night, I was feeling rather nostalgic after seeing that Friday had been the Backstreet Boys’ 25th anniversary.  I went to a couple concerts in my teenage years and have really always enjoyed most of their music.  I watched some of my favorite music videos for a couple hours.  As I recalled how big they were in my teen years I remembered other videos that had been popular around the same time.  We watched Aqua’s Barbie Girl video, which made me chuckle quite a bit.  We also watched a few Spice Girls’ videos – while I used to enjoy their music, can I just say how terrible it now sounds?  They do have a few songs I still like (Viva Forever comes to mind), but listening and watching some of those videos – wowwee…


We drove by a neighboring area my husband wanted me to see.  The homes are beautiful.  For the past months, we’ve been debating whether the best idea is to redo the basement of our current house, or move.  I’ll eventually write about my pros and cons, but if we can find a house on a specific street, on the correct side of the street, I could definitely be persuaded to move.  Right now, I’m 50/50.  Some days, I’m all for moving, and others I don’t even want to consider it.


On Monday, Sami had her first dentist appointment.  I was concerned because she kept complaining about her mouth hurting.  She seemed a little apprehensive when we first got there, but got to playing with some toys and was happy as can be.  We met the hygienist who noticed Minnie Mouse on her pants and told Sami she might have a Minnie Mouse toothbrush for her.  Sami was all excited and got to pick from 5 toothbrushes and of course went straight for the Mickey/Minnie Mouse one.  Sami brushed her teeth with it for the entirety of the appointment when someone else wasn’t cleaning her teeth. 

She did absolutely awesome, and the dentist didn’t notice any issues, but did point out that her last bottom molars had pierced through.  I guess that explains the midnight waking up sessions lately!  I kept checking, but I guess they pierced through without my noticing.

She was awarded tokens to put in gumball machine for toys, which she picked bouncy balls (which she all of a sudden calls ballies – odd).  We went to make an appointment and she started saying “I wanna go see…” and would trail off, so I offered “Dada”?  She said, “No, I wanna go see the dentiss!”.  She melted everyone’s hearts and earned herself another toy in doing so – a princess duck for her bath.  Overall, I would say it was a great experience!

On Wednesday, it was my turn to go to the dentist for my bi-annual cleaning.  No issues – yay.  All week at work they celebrated Staff Appreciation which was really nice.  We got nice treats like a nacho bar, frozen yogurt, company swag and a gift card.  Yay Bath & Body Works because I’m in need of cute foaming hand soaps.

I’ve come to realize that there are two words, regardless of the language, that can be the best and worst words on earth. 

Mama…  Dada…

When you first hear your baby say those words to you, it is heartwarming.  If you ask me, it’s one of the most special memories and feelings once can ever have.  And when they are happy to see you, and say it,  it’s sound is sweet to hear.

And then there’s the gut-wrenching “Mama” in the middle of the night because your child had a nightmare, or woke up because their teeth hurt.  It’s the saddest sound in the world.  Much like when you put your child down to sleep but they don’t want to sleep and just yell “Mama” or “Dada” over and over and over and over again.  You want to go see them, but know that you at least have to give them a little while to try and fall asleep on their own.

I embrace try to embrace the gut-wrenching sounds of hearing “Mama”, and try to comfort her when appropriate.  While it is painful to hear it’s also rewarding to know that you’re the one they want to see when nothing seems to be going their way.  Still, the best is hearing it when say I pick her up from daycare and a huge smile comes across her face as she runs toward me yelling “Mama!”.  What a perfect way to end each (or almost each) workday!

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